La génération Z et l’entomophagie en France
- Roux, Camille (2021)
Projet tutoré
Accès libre
- La génération Z et l’entomophagie en France
- Entomophagy and generation Z in France
- 14 avril 2021
- Entomophagie
- Génération Z
- Insectes
- Acceptation
- Conscience écologique
- Expériences
- Freins
- Entomophagy
- Generation Z
- Insects
- Acceptance
- Ecological
- consciousness
- Experiences
- Constraints
- L’entomophagie est une pratique qui, suscite de plus en plus d’intérêt et notamment auprès de la génération Z. Il se peut que celle-ci soit un leader dans l’acceptation de ce nouveau type de consommation en France. Il semblerait que cette génération soit la plus ouverte aux nouvelles expériences. De plus, leur conscience écologique aiguisée serait un levier majeur qui leur permettrait de dépasser certains freins culturels. Associée à une communication influente sur le sujet, cela pourrait faire de l’entomophagie un nouveau paradigme au sein de la population française. De nombreux freins sont cependant encore bien présents, tels que l’aspect physique des insectes ou encore le prix de ceux-ci, et retardent alors l’arrivée de ces petites bêtes dans nos assiettes. Afin de vérifier la potentielle démocratisation de cette pratique auprès des Français, nous répondrons à la question suivante : La génération Z a-t-elle un rôle à jouer dans l’acceptation de l’entomophagie ?
Entomophagy is a practice which, begins to bring interest upon it, and more particularly from individuals belonging to generation Z. It seems possible that this generation is a leader in the acceptance of this new kind of consumption in France. It appears that this generation is more open-minded concerning new experiences. Moreover, their sharpened ecological consciousness would be a real leverage that would allow them to go over their cultural constraints. Combined with an influential and dedicated communication on the subject, it could turn entomophagy into a new paradigm for French people. However, there are still a lot of constraints quite well implemented, such as the natural insects’ physical
aspect or also the price of those products, and so they contribute to delay the arrival of those little bugs in French’s plates. In order to verify the potential spreading of this practice among French people, we will answer the following question : Does the Z’s generation have a role
to play in the acceptance of entomophagy ?
Entomophagy is a practice which, begins to bring interest upon it, and more particularly from individuals belonging to generation Z. It seems possible that this generation is a leader in the acceptance of this new kind of consumption in France. It appears that this generation is more open-minded concerning new experiences. Moreover, their sharpened ecological consciousness would be a real leverage that would allow them to go over their cultural constraints. Combined with an influential and dedicated communication on the subject, it could turn entomophagy into a new paradigm for French people. However, there are still a lot of constraints quite well implemented, such as the natural insects’ physical
Citation bibliographique
Roux, Camille (2021), La génération Z et l’entomophagie en France [Projet tutoré]