"Thanatography in Stephen King's Short Stories: The Triumph of the Fantastic Genre"
- Lacarrière, Alexandra (2016)
Accès libre
- "Thanatography in Stephen King's Short Stories: The Triumph of the Fantastic Genre"
- 12 septembre 2016
- Littérature américaine
- Stephen King
- Le fantastique
- Thanatographie.
- American literature
- Stephen King
- The fantastic genre
- Thanatography.
- Une étude littéraire et critique d'un corpus de cinq nouvelles thanatographIques de Stephen King.
- A literary and critic study of five thanatographic short stories by Stephen King.
Citation bibliographique
Lacarrière, Alexandra (2016), "Thanatography in Stephen King's Short Stories: The Triumph of the Fantastic Genre" [Mémoire]