Intermediality, re-mediation and inter-sensuality: the poetics and aesthetics of the In-Between in Stephen Poliakoff's 'slow television' from 'Shooting the Past'(1999) to 'Dancing on the Edge'(2013).
- Aries, Magali (2016)
Accès libre
- Intermediality, re-mediation and inter-sensuality: the poetics and aesthetics of the In-Between in Stephen Poliakoff's 'slow television' from 'Shooting the Past'(1999) to 'Dancing on the Edge'(2013).
- 27 septembre 2016
- Intermédialité
- Remédiation
- Poliakoff
- Séries télévisuelles
- 'slow television'
- Intermediality
- Remediation
- Poliakoff
- Serial television
- 'slow television'
- L'oeuvre de Stephen Poliakoff pour le médium télévisuel affiche une rhétorique visuelle ostensiblement intermédiale. L'incorporation de le photographie ou les références intermédiales à la peinture qui transforment l'Image-Mouvement en Image-Temps entraînent une discussion entre les différentes formes d'art et une immersion dans une forme poétique qui lie intermédialité et inter-sensualité.
- Stephen Poliakoff's work for the televisual medium foregrounds an explicitely intermedial visual rhetoric. The incorporation of the medium of photography and the intermedial references to painting which turn Deleuze's 'Image-Mouvement' into 'Image-Temps' entail a dialogue between the distinct arts and an immersion in a poetic form which connects intermediality and inter-sensuality.
Citation bibliographique
Aries, Magali (2016), Intermediality, re-mediation and inter-sensuality: the poetics and aesthetics of the In-Between in Stephen Poliakoff's 'slow television' from 'Shooting the Past'(1999) to 'Dancing on the Edge'(2013). [Mémoire]