Female Genital Mutilation in Alice Walker’s Possessing the Secret of Joy: A Journey Towards Liberation of the Self
- Favareille, Charlotte (2016)
Accès restreint
- Female Genital Mutilation in Alice Walker’s Possessing the Secret of Joy: A Journey Towards Liberation of the Self
- 29 juin 2016
- Alice Walker
- Excision
- Mutilation
- Libération
- Moi
- Alice Walker
- Excision
- Mutilation
- Liberation
- Self
- Suite à son excision à l'âge adulte, Tashi est complètement aliénée. Grâce à l'étude des mythes africains et à la psychanalyse Jungienne faisant remonter son passé traumatique, elle finira par comprendre la source de son aliénation, et atteindra finalement une certaine libération de son Moi.
- After being excised while already in adulthood, Tashi feels completely alienated. Thanks to both the study of African mythology and the help of Jungian psychoanalysis, she progressively heals from her traumatic past, she finally understands the source of her alienation, and reaches a certain liberation of her Self.
Citation bibliographique
Favareille, Charlotte (2016), Female Genital Mutilation in Alice Walker’s Possessing the Secret of Joy: A Journey Towards Liberation of the Self [Mémoire]