Twenty-First Century Police Brutality against African Americans: The Case of Ferguson, Missouri, and the "Black Lives Matter" Movement
- Eguienta, Ophélie (2017)
Accès libre
- Twenty-First Century Police Brutality against African Americans: The Case of Ferguson, Missouri, and the "Black Lives Matter" Movement
- 21 septembre 2017
- violences policières
- Black Lives Matter
- Ferguson
- Etats-Unis
- racisme
- Afro-Américain
- Black Lives Matter
- Ferguson
- police brutality
- African American
- United States
- racism
- Ce mémoire analyse le contexte historique des violences policières aux Etats-Unis envers les Afro-Américains, et étudie la mort de Michael Brown par l'officier de police Darren Wilson en 2014, les protestations qui résultèrent, ainsi que l'essor du mouvement "Black Lives Matter" et des autres mouvements créés en opposition.
- This research analyzes the historical context of police brutality against African Americans, and studies Michael Brown's killing by Officer Darren Wilson in 2014, the protests that ensued and the rise of the "BLack Lives Matter" movement, as well as the movements created in opposition to it.
Citation bibliographique
Eguienta, Ophélie (2017), Twenty-First Century Police Brutality against African Americans: The Case of Ferguson, Missouri, and the "Black Lives Matter" Movement [Mémoire]